Contact form

Fill in the contact form below and it’ll get to me faster than you can translate ar nós na gaoithe. I read everything, but I’m not always able to respond. Currently (October 2022-April 2023) I’m under book deadlines, PhD submission demands, and other delightful things. Again, if you write, I’ll read it, and may find time to reply. But if I’m not able to, I know you understand.

  • North America bookings for speaking engagements are all done through the magnificent people of Blue Flower Arts, who administer all my engagements in the USA and Canada. They can be contacted at +1 845 677 8559.

  • Literary Agent: I am signed with Clare Conville of C&W Agency. You can contact Clare Conville via this email.

  • If you’re emailing me directly about doing some work together, thank you! Please do see the note under “message” below about budget.